Do you have one moment for sustainability?

It takes less than a minute to read this page about activating your climate values.

In 2020, we introduced The Modern Concierge x giant LEAP taking our services forward with a focus on emissions.

giant LEAP means we plan your private travel beautifully but also with the objective of minimising end to end carbon emissions, even before you take off.

From advising and fuelling your jet with the most sustainable alternative fuels blend, to slash your aviation emissions - we also identify further emission saving actions end to end. Including simple swaps throughout your arrangements such as opting for greener transfer vehicles and accommodation. So, not just the jet. The potential emission savings are substantial - but that is only stage 1.

Once you have already minimised all possible emissions from the outset, after you travel, we then take your climate action to the next level - by creating and co-ordinating an equally bespoke mix of carbon removal and highest quality offsetting. You choose which methods, which projects to support. We guide you through the process in conjunction with third party climate scientists, enabling access to latest thinking and solutions.

Including, a high principled 300% offset model. The climate scientists make a custom calculation of the actual emissions of your travel and then the removal / offset amounts are set at 3 x the emissions created - as a way of capturing the true entire impact of emissions beyond that which we can account for.

Our proposal is based on 100% removed by DAC Direct Air Capture, 100% via nature based offsets and 100% climate justice supporting women’s and children’s projects in climate impacted countries.

The custom calculation, removals and offsets are paid directly by you, and they are registered in your name with the assurance your chosen climate projects are vetted and deliver real world benefits and emissions removal.

The giant LEAP is making this level of climate responsibility easy for you - seamlessly wrapped into a highly accountable, personally guaranteed service, in a single continuos communication, organised simply as part of your ongoing private travel arrangements. You gain a single point of control for your travel plans and climate action.

Great minds discuss ideas.

If you want to know more about how our giant leap service can enable your climate values and sustainability ambitions then the first small step is for us to speak. I am available in the UK time zone on whatsapp +447775730875. We can speak in confidence by telephone or video call.

By offering such a private and personal service, the idea is working together for many years. The epitome of sustainability on multiple levels.